Tips for Oversea Customers

Motor Mount System Part 1 (2020-01-17)

There are various drive patterns in GALM, and I think many people use them according to their preference.


I suspect that some users who recently acquired GALM have never used it ・・・・


So let's review the basics of floating motor mounts (F.M.M.S)!



First of all, as weight reduction becomes more and more popular, you may be concerned about weight ・・・・・


The F.M.M.S can be replaced with a normal motor mount, but the total weight is 43 g and the difference from the normal motor mount is 32 g because it is large toward the rear end of the rear bulk.


However, it is not just heavy, the motor is floating, and the bracket is designed to drop on the fulcrum of the rear bulk and at the rear end of the rear bulk, so the weight is directly applied to the rear bulk and the rear end of rear bulk.


The weight is applied closer to the axle than the rear ESC plate.


Even if the weight increases, the weight gets pinpoint where you want it.


And the design to improve traction by utilizing Anti-torque of the motor based on the  principle of leverage・・・・・・・


Continue to Part 2

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